Can I receive a college degree by studying on this site?

Yes. Although anyone can study and complete all the qualifications for a degree or certificate program, an actual low-cost degree or certificate will only be awarded once the degree or certificate fee is paid. Please check the program details for costs.

If the programs are free why do I have to pay for a certificate or degree?

The fees we charge for the degrees or certificates are to pay for the actual degree or certificate matereials and all the processing fees. Remeber, we are a free ministry but we need to cover as much of our costs as possible. Until we get permanent funding this is how we must opperate.

How much do certificates or degrees cost?

The fees vary depending on if it is a certificate or diploma, and the degree you are applying for. Typically the cost is anywhere from $45.00 to $125.00.

Is IHN Bible College accredited?

No. But there are two things you should know about our accreditation. First, we ARE seeking accreditation from Christian agencies. Second, you should read our accreditation information so you can fully understand what accreditation is.